
Music and Dance

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How the great composers scolded by contemporaries

“Nonsense”, “the loving animal”, “ugly”, “base some text”, “mould”, “guano music”, “music for cats” and other epithets, which critics and contemporaries was accompanied by the premieres of now-classic works of Beethoven, Brahms, Liszt, Tchaikovsky and other famous composers. Bartok “Piano Concerto of béla bartók is the most monstrous stream of nonsense, bombast, and nonsense ever […]

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Why the Americans painted face in black

What is blackface, as a mockery revealed to the world Negro culture, and why even black makeup under black? Blackface — dark makeup, imitating the Negro appearance. Its history is connected with the appearance in the USA in the mid-nineteenth century minstrel show, where white actors portrayed the comic scenes from the life of black […]

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How to listen to opera

A classic set of Opera titles is small because it includes canonical 20-25 operas. In different parts of the world, it varies minimally, and solely because of local preferences. For example, in Russia, “classic” and “widely known” are few operas that are outside the repertoire appear not so often. If you narrow the list to […]

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