

Tell me what you listen to, and I’ll tell you what your IQ is

You’re young, you consider yourself advanced, nightclubs are the best place to retire after studying or working. After – the feeling of a well-spent time, only here is fresh and clear thinking, like the influx of new forces and energy are not observed.

Are you aware that modern electronic music, as well as rock, psychologists attribute to aggressive non-drug drugs (the effect of the latter on the body need not be explained)?

Just a few facts

  1. Scientists at the Center for Neurobiology at the University of California tested students from 36 colleges, trying to determine the level of their intellectual development. Within ten minutes of the test, students listened to Mozart’s sonata for two pianos in C major. 488. Re-testing immediately after listening showed an increase in IQ by 8-9 points.

However, after about 15 minutes the indicators returned to their previous level, but this fact allowed scientists to assume that it was immortal music that caused temporary intellectual growth. Other scientists involved in similar studies are also convinced of the magical power of music, which, with regular listening, can cause a steady increase in IQ.

One of the researchers of the phenomenon of the impact of music, Gordon Shaw, suggested that complex music somehow nourishes the brain departments responsible for abstract thinking, the departments that do not directly concern the perception of sounds and melodies.

  1. Bulgarian psychologist Georgy Lozanov, along with his colleague Dr. Aleko Novakov, was engaged in research, trying to determine to what extent music affects the learning process.

By this time, American scientists Lynn Cooper and Milton Erickson have already discovered that people who listen to the sounds of a metronome in the rhythm of 60 beats per minute come to an “alpha state” – ideal for learning and memorizing.

Unaware of this fact, Lozanov and Novakov completely independently made a similar discovery, but using slow baroque music with a rhythmic size of 60-64 cycles per minute. The baroque genre was very common in Europe from 1600 to 1750.

His popularity took place after the death of one of the most outstanding composers and performers – Johann Sebastian Bach. Baroque music is characterized by a rich sound palette of scales and a clear rhythm. Lozanov and Novakov discovered that under the influence of baroque music, information is perceived and assimilated as effectively as it is when learning in a dream.

This discovery soon led to the development of a new method. According to his conditions, information – for example, phrases in a foreign language – is presented with an interval of four seconds against the background of baroque music at a rhythm of 60 cycles per minute. The first results showed that students learn from 60 to 500 foreign words a day.

Specialists from the University of Iowa decided to test the proposed method and soon succeeded: against the background of baroque music, the participants of the experiment had an increase in the memory capacity by 26%, and the speed of learning by 24%.

  1. As Dr. Alfred Tomatis, a member of the French Academy of Medical Sciences, believed, ears play a key role in electrically recharging the brain.

When the electric potential of the brain begins to weaken, we experience fatigue and stupefied eyes. Like batteries, brain cells need to be recharged from time to time.

Tomatis discovered that one of the ways to recharge is to listen to high-frequency sounds – 5000-8000 Hz. According to Tomatis, the vibration of Carty cells – the hair cells of the inner ear – acts as a kind of brain generator.

Through many years of analysis, Tomatis came to the conclusion that Mozart’s music contains the greatest number of sounds of the desired frequency range, but hard rock and the smallest. He also recommends, in order to charge the brain, to listen to baroque music and Gregorian chants.

P.S. Albert Einstein first took up the violin at the age of six. By the time he was 14, he had performed the sonatas of Beethoven and Mozart and spent many hours improvising on the piano.

Throughout his life, Einstein remained a passionate violinist, turning to music during creative stagnation. About his hobbies music and physics, he said: “They both have one source and complement each other …” It is possible that Einstein’s extraordinarily powerful intellect is the result of a love for the classics.

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